Only the Greatest and the Best Quotes from William Shakespeare

Quote : "No' by my life.
Privy to none of this. How will this grieve you'
When you shall come to clearer knowledge"

Quote : " Away with her! to prison!
He who shall speak for her is afar off guilty
But that he speaks."

Quote : "Adieu' my lord:
I never wish'd to see you sorry; now
I trust I shall."

Quote : "Be certain what you do' sir' lest your justice
Prove violence; in the which three great ones suffer'
Yourself' your queen' your son."

Quote : "It is for you we speak' not for ourselves:
You are abused and by some putter-on
That will be damn'd for't; would I knew the villain'
I would land-damn him"

Quote : "The silence often of pure innocence
Persuades when speaking fails"

Quote : "Hang all the husbands
That cannot do that feat' you'll leave yourself
Hardly one subject."

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