Only the Greatest and the Best Fate Quotes

Quote : "Oh thoughtless Mortals! ever blind to Fate'
Too soon dejected' and too soon elate!"

Quote : "I hold it to be true that Fortune is the arbiter of one-half of our actions'but that she still leaves us to direct the other half' or perhaps a little less."

Quote : "So it happens with fortune' who shows her power where valour has not prepared to resist her' and thither she turns her forces where she knows that barriers and defences have not been raised to constrain."

Quote : "Though more than fate supplies we ne'er can gain' Yet must we strive that portion to obtain."

    (Author : , Book : Gulistan , Quote ID :8353)

Quote : "Hast thou two hundred virtues on each hair ?
With adverse fate thou still wilt badly fare."

    (Author : , Book : Gulistan , Quote ID :8354)

Quote : "The merciful are ever moneyless;
Hard hearted they who have the power to bless."

    (Author : , Book : Gulistan , Quote ID :8370)

Quote : "Two things are impossible: to obtain more food than what Providence destines for us; and to die before the time known to God."

    (Author : , Book : Gulistan , Quote ID :8411)

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