Lucifer Character: Discuss the character of Lucifer
Lucifer, with all its might and industrious crew, has been working for the destruction of mankind. It not only spares no chance but also is always looking to devise newer ways to deceive man into believing the life on Earth as the final and ultimate end in itself. Lucifer is also symbolic of the ever going war between the agencies of good and evil. Mephistophilis, a devil and partaker of Lucifer, unveils the fact to Faustus that it was him that:
"I do confess it, Faustus, and rejoice:
'Twas I that, when thou wert i'the way to heaven,
Damm'd up thy passage; when thou took'st the book
To view the Scriptures, then I turn'd the leaves,
And led thine eye."
So, Lucifer has agents like Mephistophilis that work for the spread of evil. It misguides and tries to overpower the light of power. However, despite all its might and magical prowess Lucifer cannot over power even a single man against that man's own free will. We severally learn that Lucifer is left with nothing but threats whenever Faustus is on the verge of seeking repentance. It is quite strange that Faustus is prized with newer gifts each time he returns to the devilish ways because Lucifer cannot punish once a man has set his foot on the right path.
The character of Lucifer, though be endowed with a hundred thousand assistants and knaves, cannot prevail over the forces of good. Mephistophilis admits before Faustus that he cannot overpower the old man because his faith is strong.
The hunger for the destruction of mankind is to the extent that Lucifer, "the prince of hell", surrenders his personal assistant to serve Faustus for a period of 24 years; the fact remains that Faustus is one man, only one man. The height of hatred for man is evident by the acts of Lucifer in the play.