Only the famous Women Best famous Quotes

Quote : "All women' great or little' are insincere' crooked' backbiters' envious' liars to the marrow of their bones' vain' trivial' merciless' unreasonable"

Quote : "Hang me on that nail feet upwards' if you like' but have you met a woman who can love anybody except a lapdog? "

Quote : "You'll meet a cat with a horn or a white woodcock sooner than a constant woman!"

Quote : "You may have buried yourself alive' but you haven't forgotten to powder your face! "

Quote : "An old woman is always uneasy when dry bones are mentioned in a proverb"

Quote : "For when the Fair in all their Pride expire'
To their first Elements the Souls retire"

Quote : "Know farther yet; Whoever fair and chaste
Rejects Mankind' is by some Sylph embrac'd"

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