Only the famous Women Best famous Quotes

Quote : "Oft when the World imagine Women stray'
The Sylphs thro' mystick Mazes guide thier Way"

Quote : "Chaste women are often proud and froward' as presuming upon the merit of their chastity."

Quote : "The ringlets of the beautiful are the fetters of reason' and a snare to the bird of intelligence."

    (Author : , Book : Gulistan , Quote ID :8331)

Quote : "An ugly woman's spouse is better blind."

    (Author : , Book : Gulistan , Quote ID :8339)

Quote : "To consult with women is ruin."

    (Author : , Book : Gulistan , Quote ID :8403)

Quote : "Shut on that house the door of sweet content'
Where woman can aloud her passions vent."

    (Author : , Book : Gulistan , Quote ID :8407)

Quote : "It's queer how out of touch with truth women are."

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